Are there Aliens in area 51?
One of the most asked questions in the world is “Are there Aliens in Area 51?” and so far, there has been no real answer to all of the conspiracy theories. Hey there, have you ever wondered about what is going on inside Area 51? And I am sure all your friends and family just keep telling you “Area 51 is an Air Base in Nevada used for testing aircraft” But I believe there is more to it than what the politicians tell you.
So, I want to start by explaining the buildup and the start of Area 51. Area 51 was created during the Cold War in Nevada; the CIA needed a remote and “Secret” military base to test “Special Aircraft” and spy planes to spy on the Soviet Union. The CIA Director Richard Bissell chose a secluded airfield at Groom Lake to start building on. At the time, the base was near a classified facility where the government was testing nuclear weapons. In 1955, the base was fully built and added to the Nevada test map site. The Aircraft tested and worked on Area 51 were known as the U-2, SR-71 Blackbird, and A-12. It is also worth mentioning that Area 51 did not go by just 1 name, some other names were Paradise Ranch, Watertown Airstrip, and Dream Land. The CIA did not officially Acknowledge the existence of Area 51 until 2013 when it released declassified documents in response to a Freedom of Information Act request. The release of these documents marked the first time in U.S. government formally acknowledged the base.
Now let's talk about what Area 51 is used for in the present day. So, in today's world, Area 51 is still used as a secret military base. It is still unknown what goes on there, the only people in the entire world that are allowed there are the U.S. military. Personally, I believe they are hiding something from us, my reason for thinking that is the strange sightings and things that have been spotted in Area 51. For example, there have been numerous UFOs spotted flying across Area 51 most of them could be and are most likely fake, but some of them that I have seen look real to me. But I guess we will never get the answer... At least not in our lifetime.
So. For my last thoughts, I want to say Area 51 has been one of the biggest mysteries and has built up so many conspiracy theories that it is crazy. I believe that there must be something they are hiding from us. Now let's end this off with a question. “If the world leaders are hiding something from us about Area 51, do you think we will find out in our lifetime?
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