Lesson Plan Archive
This archive was constructed by the outstanding teaching staff at Walnut Grove Secondary. Use these resources to develop new lesson plans or as inspiration for new ways to approach teaching!
Events and Bookings Calendar
Welcome to the library bookings page. Please make a selection from the following offerings:
Booking a Class
Booking a class please provide the following -
Block selection (A-D) - provide multiple dates where necessary
Teacher Name
Class Subject
Type of library programs/services
Class bookings will be emailed to teacher as a calendar reminder.
Booking the Podcast Studio
Booking the podcast studio please provide the following:
Date and time of day requested
Duration for recording (minimum 10 minutes, maximum 60 minutes)
Specific notes or requests on recording session
NOTE - Students must provide their own recording card (can be purchased from library) or laptop.
Booking Technology
Booking a class please provide the following -
Block selection (A-D) - provide multiple dates where necessary
Teacher Name
Class Subject
Type of technology (click here for options)
Class bookings will be emailed to teacher as a calendar reminder.
Please email to book - cjanzen@sd35.bc.ca
Calendar Legend
Open Classroom Booking
Computer Classroom Booking
Podcast Studio Booking
Technology Booking
Teacher-Librarian - In-class
Teacher-Librarian - Collaboration
Staff Meeting
Creation/Maker Hub
Illustration Station 1
Illustration Station 2