Lesson Plan Archive
This archive was constructed by the outstanding teaching staff at Walnut Grove Secondary. Use these resources to develop new lesson plans or as inspiration for new ways to approach teaching!
Our School Website
Your Library

Your Libr@ry - providing a pathway to inquiry, imagination, and endless possibilities
The Walnut Grove Secondary Library is a dynamic space – constantly changing to reflect the interests of the students and the needs of staff. It has developed into the vibrant, busy, learning centre of the school. Come on in to find the latest fiction read, locate a great graphic novel, research your school assignments, and feel free to ask your questions. We may not have all the answers, but we can help you chart a course to discovering them!
History of the Library

When the school first opened in 1991, only the first phase of the school was completed with the left wing (near the track) still in construction. However, in order to make it work, the Office, Library, Cafeteria, Staff, Band, and Choir rooms were all combined into one area. This area would later become what we know today as the Library Annex and the main Library...
Library Advisory Council

Library Advisory Council
The WGSS Library Advisory Council (LAC) began in 2009, and has grown into an active group of about 15 to 20 students who invest in the school library. Students from Grades 8-12 are invited to bring their ideas, enthusiasm, and opinions to after school meetings - usually held on the first Wednesday of each month...