Lesson Plan Archive
This archive was constructed by the outstanding teaching staff at Walnut Grove Secondary. Use these resources to develop new lesson plans or as inspiration for new ways to approach teaching!
How to...
Add a Review to our Libr@ry Catalogue
Go to WGSS Library catalogue page, click the Login button top right.
Enter your student number as the username and your computer password.
Use the catalog search feature to find the title of the book you wish to review.
Open book record, click on details to open the complete record.
Click on reviews in the top right corner.
Read any existing reviews and write your own by clicking on the “add review” button.
Rate the book (up to 5 stars) and add your review to the comment box.
Click save and the review will be submitted to the Library staff to review and post.
Your name will NOT be displayed unless you add it to the very end of the review.
Place a Hold
Search our
Go to WGSS Library catalogue page, click Login button, top right.
Enter your student number as the username and your computer password.
Click Login.
Search for book by its title.
Click details box, beside the title.
Click “Hold it!” box top right.
Press “Save”.
A message will pop-up to confirm.
Ask us to see if your email is on file with the Library to get email notifications when your book is here!
Access Resource Lists
Go to WGSS Library catalogue page, click Login button, top right.
Find Resource Lists on the left side menu.
Scroll down to the resource list you would like to view and open it. They are listed in alphabetical order (i.e. AP List, French Revolution, Holocaust Novels, LGBTQ).
Click details box, beside the title, to read more information about the title.
If you would like to place a hold on a book please view How to Place a Hold above.
Login to Office 365
Your Office 365 account provides you with access to Outlook Email, Onedrive, Teams, Excel, Powerpoint, Word, and more. You can use the Microsoft Suit online or download the apps to your chosen device.
Go to Mircosoft Office 365 Login page to log in
The email address for your Office 365 account is the following format:
First initial, full last name (no hyphen), last 4 digits of your student number, @langleyschools.ca
ex. Bob Tod, 123456 = btod3456@langleyschools.ca
ex. Bob Tod-Low, 123457 = btodlow3457@langleyschools.ca -
Your password is the same as your computer password.*
*forgot your computer password? Visit wgss.ca, under Student Life select Network Password Reset.

Create a Brochure in MS Word
Log into your Office 365 account and choose the Word app
Select "More Templates" on the right-hand side of the page.
Scroll to the bottom of the "More Templates" page and choose 'Explore all Templates"
Click "Browse by Category" on the left-hand side of the page on choose "Brochures".
Follow this link for tips and tricks on how to customize a brochure from template or scratch - Click Here

Create a Brochure in Canva
Create an accoutn on Canva.com (it free) - use your Office 365 email account
Select "Brochure" from the sliding template selection menu
Use uploaded pictures or Canva.com graphics (stay away from "priced items".
Follow this link for tips and tricks on how to customize a brochure from template or scratch - Click Here
Find pictures from credited sites or from the Creative Commons.
Design a Meme

What is the difference between a political cartoon and a meme? Click Here.
Find a picture to use either from your own pictures of from Creative Commons and load it to your computer or Office 365 One Drive.
Upload your picture, edit the photo if necessary and and the text.
Download the final Meme!
Create an Effective Presentation

Use a common presentation tool such as PowerPoint, Sway, or Prezi.
Find pictures for your presentation that are your own pictures of from Creative Commons and load it to your computer or Office 365 One Drive.
Use the Tips on Presentation Guide to help develop your presentation and with this Design Site
Provide the appropriate citation at the end of your presentation.

Developing a Reflective Form
Develop goals (and purpose) for feedback.
Through Office 365 select the Form app and create a survey form.
Develop response questions that allow for both quantitative and qualitative data.
Provide a sharable link to send out through TEAMS or imbedded in a PowerPoint.
Use the "Open in Excel" option in Form response to provide an overview of response data.

Creating a Comic
Use the "How to Design a Comic Book" Outline for details and links.
Develop a storyboard.
Collect pictures and copy to Desktop.
Use Comiclife to create comic.
Print to WGS-MFPC for full colour hard copy
How to Create a Narrative with MS Sway

How to Create Illuminated Poetry
Iluminated text is a style of using colourful picures and stylized font to create a visually appealing version of a poem.
Examples of poetric stylization:
1) Create a drop cap - use MS Word and these instructions.
2) Use MS Word to design your pages. See this example to help.
Using Canadian Points-of-View Database
1. Access our district database for Candian Points-of-View here.
Or access the complete district database at this link.
2. Search using the query search at the top of hte page of by using the Category or In the News sections.
3. All articles come with a general outline of the topic, a Related Items (right side bar) for additional referencs, and a Related Information (left side bar).
4. Use the Points of View on the left side bar to find articles that appeal to mulitiple viewpoints on the topic.
5. Every article has built in citations on the right-hand side for proper referencing.
When developing an arugment:
Use aids including Create an Essay Outline, and Guides to Critical Analysis found with most topics in the right side bar. Example here.
Access the Academic Writing Examples here and here.
How to Check a Web Source - Fake or Not?
1. An introduction to Fake news - here from MediaSmart
2. Use this hand-out to help understand how to determine if a web source is fake or not.
3. Test your skills! Follow this link to see if you can spot the fake (and real) web sources.
The Power of Oral Presentations - TED Talks and Podcasts
1. View this presentation and use the resources provided to learn more about TED Talks and Podcasting.
2. Use this hand-out to build your TED Talk OR
3. Use this hand-out to build your Podcast
Urban Studies - Utopia
1. A copy of the assignment is Here
2. What is beautiful design? Find out Here
3. Find out more about model design Here and Here
Using a Book
Investgate a book - click HERE for an indepth look into the components of a book.
Taking Notes Effectively
What type of note-taking works best for you? Investigate five types HERE
More information on note-taking HERE
How to Complete Power Searches
How to create powerful searches through our databases. More information HERE
How to Interpret Data - Market Research and Data Literacy
How to create powerful searches through our databases. More information HERE