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Your Libr@ry

Your Libr@ry - providing a pathway to inquiry, imagination, and endless possibilities

The Walnut Grove Secondary Library is a dynamic space – constantly changing to reflect the interests of the students and the needs of staff.  It has developed into the vibrant, busy, learning centre of the school.  Come on in to find the latest fiction read, locate a great graphic novel, research your school assignments, and feel free to ask your questions.  We may not have all the answers, but we can help you chart a course to discovering them!

Anchor 1

Walnut Grove Secondary School
8919 Walnut Grove Drive

Langley, B.C. V1M 2N7


Mr. C Janzen Teacher Librarian

(604) 882-0220 Local 250

Ms. A Doran, Library Technician

(604) 882-0220 Local 249

The Libr@ry is available for students before, during, and after school Monday to Friday.

Monday to Friday
8:00 am - 9:00 am

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm


Our Circulation Policy is as follows:

2 week sign out period
3 books maximum*


We charge no fines but ask that students respect due dates, or drop by to renew books they wish to keep longer.


*Voracious Readers with no overdues may certainly check out more books.

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