Lesson Plan Archive
This archive was constructed by the outstanding teaching staff at Walnut Grove Secondary. Use these resources to develop new lesson plans or as inspiration for new ways to approach teaching!

A compilation of resources designed to support inquiry.

Ecology and Fauna
1. Basic Searches
2. Additional Searches
3. Referencing
1. Basic Searches
2. Additional Searches
3. Referencing

Healthy Eating
1. Guidelines for Health
2. Meal Guides
3. Referencing

Key Search Words - Napoleon, Epytian Campaign, Itlaian campaig, Ulm & Austrlitz, Battle of Trafalgar, Jena, Wargram, Salamanca, Leipzig, Defence of France, Waterloo, Prussian Campaign
Napoleon History and Timeline
Battles and Campaigns
Battles and Campaigns II
Example of Napoleon

Political Cartoons - Symbolism, Bias and Propaganda

Thematic Poetry - Published
Key Search Words - Canadian Poets, Thematic Poetry
1) Basic Research
Links to Poetry Sites
Library Poetry Section
2) Using Canva

The Enlightenment
Key Search Words - Reason and Religion, Natural Law, Humanism, Social Contract
1) Basic Research
2) Additional Resources
Enlightenment Thinkers - Source 1
Enlightenment Thinkers - Women

French Revolution Newspaper
Key Search Words - French Revolution, Jacobins, Robespierre, Dante, Louis XVI, Marie Antionette
1) Basic Research
2) Additional Resources
Getting Dressed in the 18th Century - Men
Getting Dressed in the 18th Century - Women
Fashion in the 18th Century - Link 1
Fashion in the 18th Cenutry - Link 2
French Revolution Other Sources (People and events)
3) Example of newspaper

Canada Political Parties
Key Search Words - political platform, symbol, logo
1) Symbols and colours
2) Examples of political symbols
Source 2 - Political Party Logos and Meaning
Source 3 - Poltical Party History with Logos
3) What is a political platform?

Canada Bills to Law
Key Search Words - political platform, symbol, logo
1) How a Bill Becomes a Law
2) Parliament in Action

Genetic Research
Key Search Words - political platform, symbol, logo
1) Primary Versus Secondary Sources
2) Using Databases to Search
3) Using Websources - What is a Reliable Source?

American Revolution Timeline
Key Search Words - Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Boston Tea Party, The Intollerable Acts, First Continental Congress, Boston Massacre, Declaration of Independence
3) Choosing a website -
5) How to cite your sources

Research and Report
How to identify and locate key infomration in forming a report. How to reference sources and provide credibilty for a report.
1) Think about your search parameters
3) Evaluate sources

Inquiry Research
How to generate an inquiry question.
What databases to use and why.
How to create effective database searches.
1) Generating an inquiry question -
3) Choosing a database -
3) How to search effectively
5) How to cite your sources

One Giant Step...Colonizing the Moon
How to brainstorm and take notes.
Designing with the end in mind.
Presenting to impress.
1) Note-taking and brainstorming - what will it take to colonize the moon?
2) Design-thinking - designing a moon module base.
More resources:
3) Building a model.
Limted Resources, Limited Time
4) Presenting your design.

Researching the Holocaust
How to generate an inquiry question.
Using foundational sources.
Why data bases to use and why.
How to create effective database searches.
Using internet searches.
1) Generating an inquiry question -
Starting with the basics
Generating the question
2) Start with the basics -
Canadian Encyclopedia
3) Choosing a database -
District Databases
3) How to search effectively
Power Searching
4) Using web-based sources
Link 1
Link 3
Link 4
5) Gather notes with pupose
6) How to cite your sources
MLA Citation Maker

Renaisance Artists and Scientists
1) Choose a Renaissance artist or scientist
Scientist master list here
2) Select a database - (World Book Student)
3) How to search effectively
4) How to cite your sources

English Civil War
Key Search Words - Charles I, Oliver Cromwell, English Civil War, Rump Parliament, Long Parliament, Royalist, Roundhead
1) Start with a database:
2) Some helpful sites online:
3) Use Canva.com to create your pamphlet:
4) How to cite your sources