Lesson Plan Archive
This archive was constructed by the outstanding teaching staff at Walnut Grove Secondary. Use these resources to develop new lesson plans or as inspiration for new ways to approach teaching!
Classroom Resources
One-stop access to useful handouts and links
Select your subject below

This site offers open-sourced 24/7 free online courses from well-respected universities such as Harvard, MIT, UC Berkely, etc. Everyone is welcome and there are no applications necessary. The wonderful thing about this site is that it offers AP review classes designed to assist students in preparing for their exams. Visit the site and check out your AP specialty area.

The Artcyclopedia is an index of online museums and image archives: find where the works of over 8000 different fine artists can be viewed online. Search for links to individual artists, articles and background about their works, and visit displays in art museums. Links to numerous image archives, an art signature dictionary, available books, and multimedia presentations such as this one about Vincent Van Gogh.

Art is everywhere and can be made with anything, really! Ink, paint, water, even coffee! Subscribe to Mary Doodles' YouTube channel for some amazing art videos and advice!
Don't believe us? Check out one of Mary's painting videos below using coffee!

This education planner is for students to help them set goals, record activities, write a resume and cover letter, create plans for the future (High school, Post-secondary, and Career), build a digital portfolio and more!
Click here to learn how to setup myBlueprint account

Course planning, and Report Cards

BC Partners for Mental Health & Addictions Information
A great website with a wealth of self-help resources for a range of mental health concerns such as depression, anxiety and eating habits.
Find information, self-help resources, and videos about anxiety. Check out MindShift - an app designed to help teens and young adults take charge of anxiety.
A website about healthy living for teens, kids, and parents. Check out the Q & A section.
Plenty of resources with self-care tools, website links, and assistance in connecting to local professional resources.

A website for youth providing resources to help manage stress and mental health issues.
More great information about teen mental health issues.
HumanMetrics – Personality Test
Take this 64-question quiz to determine which personality type you have. Based on Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers’ personality type theory, the resulting 4-letter type analysis will help you to discover more about your strengths, suitable careers and occupations, and gain insights into your learning style.

Want to learn more about yourself? The Keirsey Temperament Sorter is a powerful 70-question personality instrument developed by Dr. David Keirsey, which helps individuals discover their personality type. Then have fun looking at which of four Temperaments you are and comparing this to your Myers-Briggs results.

Ready for some more self-discovery? Visit this page to learn more about personality testing, the attributes of the sixteen distinctive personality types, and to explore possible career paths.

Perhaps you are ready to check out a future career based on your personality type. Here are several websites worth a visit:

Tips and Activities for Writing a Story:
Creating Internal and External Conflict
Establishing the Perfect Setting
Fantastic Websites for Authors

TED-Ed Reading Between the Lines Series
These bite-sized videos created by educators from around the world give thought-provoking discussions on select literary titles and topics. They are also accompanied by some amazing animation for all of you visual learners.

Literary Terms Glossary – Scholastic
Can’t remember the difference between a simile and a metaphor? Look no further. Here is a 4-page reference list of common literary terms you will encounter in English class. Time to ace those quizzes.
And here's another literary devices dictionary to help you make sense of these terms!

Improve Your Writing – University of Bristol
The University of Bristol’s Faculty of Arts hosts extensive grammar learning materials on their website, which include exercises to help you practice using punctuation, discern between commonly confused words, use the subjunctive, and improve your mastery of the English language.

Essay Writing Strategies – Harvard Writing Center
High school means essays. Hopefully, this series of strategies, created by one of the world’s leading universities, can help you tackle those intimidating essay assignments. This resource gives tips for every stage of essay writing, from understanding the assignment, to outlining, to the final edits. Learn how to communicate your ideas effectively.

Susan Dennard - For Writers Blog
Susan Dennard is the New York bestselling author of The Witchlands Series. If you have any questions about writing, from first drafts and plot holes, to creating memorable characters or getting your novel published, her “For Writers” blog posts are a fantastic resource. When you visit be sure to search up what “magical cookies” are and how they can help you craft a great story.

TED-Ed Writer’s Workshop Series
Learn how to write with suspense, or create great fictional worlds! Whichever video you choose to watch is sure to inspire you on how to take your writing to new heights. We happen to like the video about Poetry.
Struggling to make sense of Shakespeare? Read Fahrenheit 451 but just don't understand the theme? Schmoop is an amazing online resource that provides great literature support with entries written by knowledgeable Ph.D. grads from schools like Harvard, Standford, and Berkeley. These guys know how to explain ideas in terms that students will actually understand. Shmoop's free version also offers information on many non-literary topics with videos, learning guides, essay help, test prep, English language learning, and much more.

Brought to you from the creators of SparkNotes, LitCharts has over 700 literature guides from Animal Farm to Wuthering Heights. Don’t understand irony? Check out the Literary Terms page. Find a Shakespeare translation, read a plot summary, and explore themes, quotes, characters and symbols in the literature you are reading in class.

8 million writers in more than 100 countries around the world use Storybird to tell their stories. Read the best writers, publish your work, and get expert feedback from teachers, professional editors, and authors.
Write…now! Choose from hundreds of lessons, quizzes, and writing prompts for all ages, or take our monthly Challenge.

Writing the Three-Part Thesis Statement
Check out this amazing graphic organizer for crafting your thesis statement from EBSCO.
It provides you with examples of good and not-so-good thesis statements while breaking down the process of how to write a solid thesis statement.
Or, try this Online Thesis Generator

This comprehensive site is jam-packed with everything you wanted to know about poetry. Search through this database of poems by topic, poet, or poem title. Publish your own poems or collect your favourites.

Find Poems, poets, listen to poetry, enter contests, and find ways to celebrate poetry. You can even sign up for Poem-a-Day to receive a new poem daily in your inbox. Sponsored by The Academy of American Poets

If you love poetry, there’s plenty to investigate in this site. Enjoy excerpts from the long-running Poetry magazine whose mission is: “ to print the best poetry written today, in whatever style, genre, or approach”. Check out the Poetry Out Loud section for more poems, videos, or tips on how to present.

It's a Canadian resource and also available in French. The poetry database is free for students to search through with nice filters such as age, and subject tags. Students can also search by mood. Indigenous poems are included. Most poems are accompanied by "Dive In" questions. Teachers do have to create a free account to access all the lesson plans, but it's an easy process. The "forms and terms" page is a nice reference for poetic devices. Each device is accompanied by links to a few poems that feature this device as well.

eBook Project of Heart: Illuminating the hidden history of Indian Residential Schools in BC(PDF)
Project of Heart: Illuminating the hidden history of Indian Residential Schools in BC LINKS (PDF)

I’m Not the Indian You Had in Mind by Thomas King (Video)
"I’m Not the Indian You Had in Mind" challenges the stereotypical portrayal First Nations peoples in the media. This spoken word short offers an insight of how First Nations people today are changing old ideas and empowering themselves in the greater community.

is a bilingual dictionary that can translate over 20 languages including Spanish, French, Italian, German, Russian, Polish, and Greek. Some languages also provide you with the option to view definitions, listen to pronunciations, and look up synonyms.

is a grammar checker that finds common spelling errors, and grammatical mistakes in French. Includes other fabulous resources such as Language Resources, a French Grammar Guide, and a French Vocabulary Guide!

Always wanted to learn a new language? How about French, Spanish, German, Russian, Korean or Klingon to impress your friends? Learn a new language by using this free language education site. Set your own daily goals, reminders and create a profile to track your progress.

Bonjour de France
This site offers exercises, karaoke, tests and games for learning French (as well as teaching materials), and promoting French culture. Practice your grammar and vocabulary or develop your listening at your own level (A1 is beginner, B2 is intermediate/advanced). If you are writing the DELF exam, there is material for that as well. It is free and is being constantly updated.

TV 5 Monde
A huge site with current resources for language learning on your own or with your class. Choose your level and choose your theme, then find videos and listening/writing exercises on all kinds of topics.

This website helps you practice your verbs and grammar in French, Spanish, and other languages as well. You can use it as a guest, or you can ask your teacher to create an account for your class. There are explanations, exercises, listening activities and games. Time yourself with the verb conjugator to monitor your progress.

Practice your listening skills! This site is a collaboratively built database of mp3 audio files on different themes in many European languages, including French and Spanish. Any native speaker can choose to submit files so there is a wide variety of accents and dialects to experience.

The Montreal version of the Canadian free newspaper 24 Hours. Features short articles on Canadian and World current events, including sports, entertainment and blogs.

Allows you to play language games and use exercises developed by others or to create your own. Choose the activity type and the topic.

Tex’s French Grammar
Like love stories but need to study French? The theme of this verb and grammar site the love story of two star-struck armadillos and their friends. It’s clearly written, with explanations in English and includes a verb tutor, audio examples, fun illustrations, free downloadable PDF sheets and quizzes.
Destinos is a telenovela, a soap opera. Although dated, the language spoken is very accessible for many.
The Ultimate Guide for Learning Spanish with Spanish Movies
Contains a list of age appropriate Spanish movies for early learners and those a bit more confident!

Spanish for Teachers (and Students)
This website for teachers and students contains a series of very accessible resources and worksheets for students. The website is very diverse and interactive with numerous activities.

Spanish Mama
This amazing website has a TON of resources with regards to discussing, exploring and teaching about immigration in Spanish class. From films and documentaries to first hand narratives and interviews, the website offers a multitude of options.

It's a Canadian resource and also available in French. The poetry database is free for students to search through with nice filters such as age, and subject tags. Students can also search by mood. Indigenous poems are included. Most poems are accompanied by "Dive In" questions. Teachers do have to create a free account to access all the lesson plans, but it's an easy process. The "forms and terms" page is a nice reference for poetic devices. Each device is accompanied by links to a few poems that feature this device as well.

This organization was established by members of the Federation of Law Societies of Canada. It provides free access to court judgments, tribunal decisions, statutes, and regulations from all Canadian jurisdictions.

Having trouble deciphering legal jargon? Look no further! Duhaime offers legal information in a comprehensible format provided by lawyers and other justice system professionals around the world. Review the Law Dictionary, Legal Citations, Topics in Law including Family Law, Criminal Law, and Intellectual Property and Internet Law, and more. You can even view Crazy Justice Videos, or laugh as you read the Dumbest Things Said in Court!

This BC based society works to improve access to programs, resources and justice. It provides digital, international, and BC based programs to educate people with little knowledge or limited access to justice and legal information.

Review the Laws of British Columbia, responsibilities and roles of our Ministries, Bills, Supreme Court Rulings, and other legal publications provided by the BC Government. See the top accessed legislation as well as recent amendments or new publications. This site also provides a Glossary of Terms.
The Ontario Justice Education Network (OJEN)
This website provides educational tools that introduce young people to the justice system, help them understand the law, and build their legal capability. Check out some good examples of mock trials and other legal resources.
Mesa Arizona Police Dept - Crime Scene Investigation
Are you interested in Crime Scenes?
Want to test out your investigator skills?
Visit this site to have a go at the Mock Crime Scene! Can you solve the case?
Check out this amazing YouTube Series to discover what is is like to be an RCMP Officer in Canada. Includes everything from training to becoming an active duty Officer in different areas of Canada.

Department of Justice Canada - YouTube
Videos on a variety of topics; such as, restorative justice, legal services, youth justice and more!
To learn more about Canada's Justice System, visit the government site here.

Practical Algebra lessons, Free-Online Recommended Lessons and Tutoring, Learning Forums, Homework Guidelines, and more!

A free, open and online teaching and learning platform which offers new problems, lessons, and even games for all grades!
Courseware for Grade 12 Math and Computers courses

Free online graphic calculator! Plot data, graph functions, and much more! Also, view other users’ math examples and staff picks!

Project Euler
Looking for a challenge? Put your mathematical and computer programming skills to the test! Set up a free account and try tackling one of the 500+ archived problems!

This site is a computational search engine that actually figures out the answer to your factual questions by searching reliable data sources. WolframAlpha can help you with your Science, Math, History, and Technology-related queries.

Vi Harts Youtube Channel
This blog is full of cool quirky facts, interesting tips, connections between math and everyday life, historical facts about math, short videos, and so much more. This amazing female mathematician has her own YouTube channel, too! Check it out.

International Music Score Library Project (IMSLP)
IMSLP provides free access to almost every composer's music before the year 1900. This includes music scores that can be downloaded, recordings to be listen to, and even pictures of the composers original works.

Vancouver Symphony Orchestra (VSO)
Students age 35 and younger, can purchase cheaper tickets and attend events such as Night at the Movies where the VSO plays the soundtrack while movies like Indiana Jones, Star Wars, or Harry Potter are played on the screen.

This Wiki gives a great overview of music history across the world (particularly Western). Learn about the evolution of music from the prehistoric to the 21st century. Listen to music samples, too!

Lessons and exercises to strengthen your music theory or ear training. Participate in lessons which include information on Chords, Intervals, Scales and Keys, and Rhythm and Meter. Test your skills with the exercises by identifying notes visually, or by listening!

Finale Music
Are you an aspiring composer, but have nowhere to transcribe your music? Check out this FREE music notation software! Capture your ideas, listen to your music, add lyrics, share it with friends, and so much more! If you need help using the software, check out the available courses!

BBC Podcast: The Story of Music in 50 Pieces
Check out this BBC Podcast featuring Howard Goodall with Suzy Klein as they discuss 50 pieces of music that they say changed the course of music history.

It provides free access to music and articles about musicians. Listen to streams of music or select a playlist from one of the following genres: classical, country/folk, electronic, hip-hop/R&B/soul, indigenous, jazz/blues, pop/rock, singer-songwriter, and world.

Free Online Courses from Berklee College of Music
Check out some of the amazing courses offered through the Berklee College of Music for Free! Some of the classes include: Music Production and Vocal Recording Technology, Creativity and Entrepreneurship, Music for Wellness, Introduction to the Music Business, and Introduction to Music Theory.
Our PE teachers use this site but they also recommend it as a great resource for students. Creating a minor game? Want a breakdown of the rules for a specific sport? You’ll find useful information here. Be sure to check out the Challenges section of the web for Quizzes, Fitness Challenges, and Activity Trackers.

Physical Health and Education (PHE) Canada
Helpful links for students trying to stay healthy and fit after high school. Check out different programs, resources, and awards!

Sports Physiology Videos that discuss the Science behind the Sport.

Fitness Blender (Youtube)
Check out a wide array of workouts: bodyweight, HIIT, cardio, upper body, lower body, kettlebell.

The Body Coach TV (Youtube)
Daily workout routines for students to do in their living room.

High-quality yoga videos for all levels!

The Couch to 5k in 9 weeks Running Program
Start your training now!
Whether you are running outside, on a treadmill, or with your dog, there is a plan for you. (App available)

Nike Training Club (App)
Workouts for cardio, strength, yoga - takes into consideration your fitness level and time you have.

Sworkit (App)
A variety of works available to suit your fitness needs and your schedule.
Strava Tracker (App)
Running tracker, cycling routes and trail map. Record your activity and track your distance.
Full-body training tools for workouts at home. All levels. All goals.

Simply Psychology - Articles for Students
Learn about psychology theories and perspectives as presented by Saul McLeod, a British academic researcher with a degree in psychology. The site offers engaging and informative articles written in an academic style, but yet clear and simple enough to be understood by psychology students of all educational levels.

Check out this amazing collection of 47 short videos by Crash Course featuring Astronomer Phil Plait. Phil does a great job explaining some key areas within Astronomy including: Observations, Moon Phases, Eclipse, Gravity, The Sun, Planets, Asteroids, Comets, White Dwarfs and Planetary Nebulae’s, Black Holes and more!

Vsauce is a YouTube Channel covering Scientific, Psychological, Mathematical and Philosophical topics including: Perception, Physics, Culture, Space, Human Behaviour, and even Art!

In the mood to get lost in Science? Look no further! The YouTube Channel SciShow explores some very interesting topics including: Weird Places, Chemistry, Science News, Quick Questions, Experiments, Cooking, and much more!

This YouTube Channel allows you to view some amazing lessons available on almost every topic from Electrical Engineering to Grammar. The Khan Academy also offers a free program that provides you with access to course material that you can work through at your own pace. The Khan Academy

Female YouTube Sensation, Dianna Cowern, covers some very cool topics and questions including videos such as “what does it feel like to get hit by lightning?” or “How to make a Cloud in your mouth”. Check out one of her videos below!

“Should you go to Mars? Ft. Bill Nye”
HEALTHmap: Global Disease Alert Map
This site aggregates data from news and health information sources to provide a real-time map of emerging infectious diseases. View all disease alerts by country, or limit results to specific diseases or information source. Includes a feed of the latest alerts. Created by a team from the Children's Hospital Informatics Program of Children's Hospital Boston and the Harvard-MIT Division of Health, Sciences and Technology.

Be informed. Read or watch videos on a variety of science topics. Check out the latest trends and headlines, explore math and technology, investigate the latest inventions and innovations or simply visit the ever-changing Editor’s picks.

Weekly science-backed videos created by Canadian Duo Mitchell Moffit and Gregory Brown. AsapSCIENCE videos feature comedic drawings and musical duets to further educate viewers on topics including the body, health, study tips, nature, tech, and much more!
For some reading check out:

AsapSCIENCE : answers to the world's weirdest questions, most persistent rumors, and unexplained phenomena
by Mitchell Moffit and Greg Brown in our Library (500 MOF)

A database of all things brain! It's edited by neuroscientists who offer a wealth of information about this human organ, from its anatomy to its place in society. Lots of articles, videos, and interactive features are designed to make brain learning fun.
Check out the site's 3D brain feature. There's even an "Ask an Expert" section.

A newsletter from the CBC which showcases articles and different resources for current topics, contests, videos, etc.

Snopes provides fact-checking for many different popular news articles, memes, and other information you may come across online. If you come across something online that seems outrageous, too good to be true or just plain weird. Try putting it into Snopes to check if it is true.

The Penguin Prof
Biology professor on the outside, pure penguin on the inside - meet Valerie Pennington, Professor of Biology at Southwestern College. Her tutorials are designed to help students understand the tough topics in General Biology, General Chemistry, Anatomy, and Physiology. All videos are professionally closed-captioned and filled with tips and tricks to help you learn and RETAIN information as painlessly as possible!
Historica Canada is a website that is devoted to providing awareness to Canadian History and Citizenship. It provides links to the following programs;

The Memory Project, since 2009, has provided veterans of various conflicts the opportunity to share their personal experiences through oral interviews. These stories and artifacts are available for use by teachers, students, and the general public. Stories
Explore thousands of images that Veterans have shared with The Memory Project. The images reflect both the veterans’ individual experiences and give insight into the events that helped define the 21st century. Please note that The Memory Project has made every effort to properly and accurately credit these shared artifacts. Image Gallery

ActiveHistory provides educational, award-winning interactive simulations, decision-making games, self-marking quizzes, high-quality worksheets and detailed lesson plans for the history classroom. All resources have been designed by full-time history teacher Russel Tarr. Up your knowledge of world history by exploring these resources.

Over The Top - Canadian War Museum
Your goal in Over the Top is the same as that of thousands of Canadians who served in the trenches during the First World War: merely to survive. This will often depend on cunning, attention to detail and just plain common sense on your part. A fair amount of good luck doesn't hurt either.So, pick up your rifle, put on your helmet and get ready for a truly unique experience!

Everything you ever needed to know about Economics, World History, Vikings, Rome, WWII, Industrial Revolution, and more. These short, semi-animated films feature presenters such as John Green (Yes, THE John Green) are a big hit whether studying for a test, or just wanting to learn neat stuff!

World History Matters is a portal to help world history teachers and students locate, analyze, and learn from online primary sources and to further their understanding of the complex nature of world history, especially the issues of cultural contact and globalization.
Voices into Action is an online resource providing students with valuable information on issues regarding human rights, prejudice, and hatred. This program was designed by curriculum experts and utilizes a wide variety of media. Compelling content and 36 short original videos present the history of human suffering stemming from social injustice and still a problem today. This site will give you the knowledge and tools to speak out, and to go even further by turning your voice into action!

Global Voices is a project developed by a community of bloggers who believe in universal access to free speech: in protecting the right to speak — and the right to listen. Explore quality podcasts, videoblogs, and postings from around the world – with emphasis on countries outside of Europe and North America. Browse by country, topics, or contributors.
A rich resource in encyclopedic articles on world civilizations. Chose from different search refiners to find the best types of articles, pictures, and videos.


Create and edit your own videos on any device! Personalize your transitions, text and narration in this easy-to-use editor. Great for beginners and expert editors. Sign up and create an account for free or sign up for monthly payments to unlock more features and create longer videos.

Serious about film, acting, screen writing, directing, or editing?
Zoom Fest is an annual film festival based in Vancouver for students grades 7-12.
All ZOOM submissions must be written, shot and produced entirely within a 48-hour period over a predetermined weekend in October. At the start of competition, a prop and theme are revealed and the 48-hour countdown begins.
Check out their website for more information and view the winners of 2017 including some of our very own WGSS Students!

Arts Club Theatre Company
Vancouver’s Premiere Theatre Company, with venues on Granville Island, the Stanley Theatre and East Vancouver. In addition to discounted student matinees for school groups, the Arts Club offers workshops and behind-the-scene tours.
Check out their website to find volunteer opportunities, too!

The Vancouver Public Library - Current Auditions
Looking for an acting gig? Wondering where to audition?
This site features an audition notice board for all ages used by most of the Vancouver-based theatre companies.

A collection of public domain monologues, ready to perform. They are categorized by genre, age and gender.

Great site with an advanced search engine for finding a great monologue. Once you find a monologue you love, it provides you with information on comparable roles and speeches, so you can find more of what works for you!
Check out the rest of the site to find great advice, casting calls and other resources.
A great resource for monologues and songs, theatre jobs, and researching your dream roles. It also features a regularly updated blog with audition tips and tools.
The Complete Works of William Shakespeare - MIT
The complete works of William Shakespeare... free! Need we say more?
This database of information includes information about Canadian actors, playwrights, directors, producers, designers, theatre organizations and institutions, composers and plays available to the world.
Theatre BC - The British Columbia Drama Association
Everything you need to know about theatre practices in BC! Check out scholarship and awards information, competitions, work shops, and main stage information for whole province.
Support your local theatre company by checking out upcoming shows, attending social events, or even joining! You do not have to be an actor, members also help with costume, set, up, stage craft, and more!
Free monologues, plays, group scenes, and directing and play writing tips! Great blogs, podcast, and other free resources available.

Shakespeare comes alive as North America’s largest classical repertory theatre presents the works of William Shakespeare. Here’s your front-row seat to spectacular productions such as The Taming of the Shrew, Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, and more.