Plagiarism: ...The "wrongful appropriation" and "stealing and publication" of another author's "language, thoughts, ideas, or expressions" and the representation of them as one's own original work. (Wikipedia 2016)
...The unacknowledged use of other people's ideas or work. Plagiarism is often unintentional and can be avoided through careful work habits. Whether intentional or unintentional, plagiarism is recognized as a serious academic offence. (SFU 2016)
Cite your sources!
Do not
cut and paste!
What if it
was your
Plagiarism: How to Avoid it
Here is a short, to-the-point video (under 3 mins) that explains very clearly how to avoid plagiarism in your research paper.
(Courtesy of Bainbridge State College)
Not sure if you are plagiarizing or not?
Try this introduction and interactive quiz from SFU
Part 1.2 - Understanding and Avoiding Plagiarism
Part 1.3 - Plagiarism Self Test
Check this out, too!
Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab) Is it Plagiarism Yet?
Click Below
Find images, media, music and video that you can share, use, and remix! This set of search engines, such as Google, Flickr, and Pixabay , helps you find free content you can use legally online.
WGSS Plagiarism Guidelines
As outlined in WGSS Gator Expectations.
Plagiarism is a form of cheating. Plagiarism occurs when a person claims someone else’s work
as his or her own for credit, whether it is for financial gain or academic gain.
Examples of Plagiarism
An assignment/project that is copied directly, in whole or in part, from another source, such as a book, the internet, or another student.
An assignment/project that has received such extensive editing from another individual, such as a tutor or relative, that it bears little resemblance to the original work of the student.
An assignment/project that contains ideas and phrasing borrowed from others, such as from an encyclopedia, the internet, or other reference books that are not formerly referenced.
If a student has been found to be guilty of plagiarism, then, at the discretion of the teacher and the administration, the following consequences will follow:
On a first offence, the student will receive a score of “0” on the entire assignment of which the plagiarized work may only be a part.
On a second or subsequent offence in any subject in any year, the student will receive a score of “0” on the plagiarized work and will face suspension from school.
A record will be kept of the names of all students who plagiarize. This record will be part of a student’s history at WGSS.
Comic by Dave Coverly