Lesson Plan Archive
This archive was constructed by the outstanding teaching staff at Walnut Grove Secondary. Use these resources to develop new lesson plans or as inspiration for new ways to approach teaching!

Assignment Hacks
So your teacher has asked you to create a presentation for your next assignment.
Where do you start? How do you make your project stand out and be original?
Here are some Tips, Tutorials, and Tools to help you with your project!
Tips and Tutorials

Powerful Presentations - Simply Stated Created by Marc Strong
View below Marc's suggestions on ways to eliminate "Death By PowerPoint" and create an outstanding presentation! This presentation actually demos an awesome example!

Don McMillan: Life After Death by PowerPoint
Comic Presenter Don McMillan points out some of the pitfalls to avoid when designing a PowerPoint project. Hilarious but, sadly, so very true!

How to give a great TEDX Talk - vidéo by TEDxParis & BRIGHTNESS
Learn to give a TEDX Talk in less than 5 minutes! Tips can also be applied to Oral Presentations.

Everything you ever needed to know about economics, world history, the sciences, psychology and more. These short, semi-animated films feature presenters such as John Green (Yes, THE John Green) are a big hit whether studying for a test, or just wanting to learn neat stuff!

Need help writing a quality blog post?
Check out these two great pages from Solution Tree Press © 2010!

Check out this amazing collection of online tools including:
Online Coding and Program Tools
Online Image Editor Tools
Online Drawing Tools
Online Presentation Tools
Online Math/Conversion Tools and so much more!

Want to create a professional-looking infographic to jazz up your assignment?
With multiple templates to choose from and copyright-free images, your poster project is elevated to the next level!

Comic Life
Comic Life is a program that allows you to create your own comic. It is available on the Libr@ry computers or you can download a Free Trial Version at home. This drag and drop program is easy to use but, if you need help getting started, check out our Comic Life Instructions.

Use Popplet as a super easy presentation format which can be used on an iPad or the web. Arranged as a mind-map, Popplet helps students to think and learn visually. Capture facts, thoughts, and images and learn to create relationships between them. You can save your work for presenting offline if you first download the application to enable this. Check out the samples.

Turn words -- famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your homework assignments -- into a visually stunning word cloud, with individual words sized to highlight the their occurrence within the body of text. Making word clouds is much more fun with Tagxedo!

Timeline Makers(PDF)
Timelines are often used for presenting events in chronological order or demonstrating the stages of a particular process. The Internet is full of free tools that offer great and fancy features for timeline creation but how do you know which one to use?
Look no further! Check out the Top Recommended Timeline Makers!
36 different drop and drag templates. Some are quite unique, utilizing curves and coloured text boxes.
Preceden (formerly TimeGlider)
TimeGlider has some very interesting features that make it one of the most distinctive free timeline creation tools on the Internet. The company calls it “Google Maps but for time” and they are right. Zooming in allows you to further focus on parts of the timeline where many events are accumulated and must be emphasized. Specify the importance of the event and make it prominent on the timeline.
Another highly effective free timeline creation tool that gets the job done well. It doesn’t have too many fancy features, so if your lesson is in need of basic designs, then look no further. Add pictures and text.
Tiki Toki
Tiki-Toki is web-based software for creating beautiful interactive timelines that you can share on the internet.

Watterson, B. (n.d.). Calvin and Hobbes: daily comic strip. Andrews McMeel Publishing.