Lesson Plan Archive
This archive was constructed by the outstanding teaching staff at Walnut Grove Secondary. Use these resources to develop new lesson plans or as inspiration for new ways to approach teaching!
Digital Learning Materials
"With learning experiences and opportunities shifting to online environments while we are #TogetherApart, many publishers and content creators are making their copyright-protected online content available by extending free access to students, families, and educators. The team at ARC-BC has created a list of these content providers to support efforts to ensure continuity of learning for all students in British Columbia"
-- Accessible Resource Centre, British Columbia
eBooks and Audiobooks
Online Learning
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Games, puzzles, quizzes, and other online activities.
All subjects, no signup required
Support in assistive technology for learning, communication, alternative access, low vision, and blindness needs.
View Films, Documentaries, and more from the National Film Board of Canada.

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