Lesson Plan Archive
This archive was constructed by the outstanding teaching staff at Walnut Grove Secondary. Use these resources to develop new lesson plans or as inspiration for new ways to approach teaching!

Request a Book
WGSS has an amazing and current collection of books in our library - thanks to the recommendations of our students! Maybe you just finished reading a fabulous book others might enjoy. Perhaps there is a recent addition to your favorite series you just can't wait to get your hands on. Drop by and talk to our Teacher Librarian, Mrs. Proske, about any titles you think we should buy. Or you can fill in the Request a Book form located below.
Remember to check our online catalogue to make sure that we don’t already have the book you want in our library’s collection.
If we decide to order this title,
you’ll be the first to read it!
If we can’t get the book for some reason, we’ll let you know why.
Before you request...
Can't wait for your book to come in?
With a FVRL library card you can request titles using their online catalogue. Or visit the library in person. You just need your Gator student card to open an account. So easy!
Search our Catalogue here.